No way I'm a great driver eace!:If I was to improve on anything it might be to slow down a little more. I'm not a huge speeder, but sometimes I push the envelope a little.
Ha! I'm totally the best driver EVER! My mom says I'm doing really well and I should be able to get my license in six months (that's the rule here - six months practice before I can take the road test). I'm so excited!
I feel that I'm a good driver. I can get distracted at times, which is where I need to improve, but I have not been in a wreck when I was driving, so that should say something, right?
I am a safe driver but I don't think I am a good one. I am not a fast driver and always drive within the speed limit, but I hate it when another driver overtakes me.
I think I'm a pretty good driver but I guess it depends on what you consider good. I've never been in an accident, but have avoided a few. I don't get tickets very often and I try to follow the laws.