Advertising on Cars


New Member
I was thinking about advertising for a company with my car. I heard that if you do this, some companies will pay you for advertising for them. I figured I could make a few extra bucks a month that way (every little bit helps in this economy).

Has anyone ever done this? Where can you go to get something like this done? Is it worth the extra money each month?


New Member
I have heard that this is a good deal. However, it is not easy to come by. I signed up for a couple of companies but I have never heard from them. I guess they have specific demographics in mind like how long you drive each day, where do you park your car and your driving record.


New Member
It sounds like a good way of making a little extra income. How does it work? Will you required to put stickers or banners on your car to participate in the program?


New Member
My husband tried signing up for one those companies that do that, but he never heard back from them either. He has a great driving record, but maybe he just doesn't drive around enough or something. Not sure why he didn't get to do the advertisement.


New Member
I have seen these before, and always thought that they look just awful. I like my car-I like it as it looks now. I wouldn't want someone else's ads all over it, even if I was being paid.