Age with first car


New Member
How old were you when you got your first car? I can't answer yet because I don't have a car yet, but I got my motorcycle when I was 17.


New Member
I got my first car at 16. I paid for 2/3 of it and my father put 1/3 down for me and I worked off that amount doing things around the house. I still have it and it's never had an accident or a big breakdown.


New Member
16 for me too. I had 3 cars before I was 17 (Yeah I was a crazy driver). My parents bought all of my cars when I was in high school. They were beaters but good cars to learn to drive with.


New Member
Wow! I can't imagine going through 3 cars in a year. Your parents must have really been annoyed by the time they bought the third one, huh?


New Member
I got my first car when I was 18. My parents gave me their old car when they bought a new one. It had over 356,000 miles on it but it was a great car.


New Member
I was 16 when I got my first car, but it was from my parents. My actual first car I bought myself was when I was 20. It was a red Toyota MR2. It looked so awesome like a sports car. Good times in that thing.


New Member
I bought my first car at 16, but it only cost me $200. Yeah, it needed a bit of work to run properly! I guess when you add up the maintenance work, it cost me close to $1,000.


New Member
My first fully car or the first car I never had to share with anyone? I never had my own (mine, no sharing) until I was in my in my mid 20s'. I guess I am a late bloomer.


New Member
I got one at 16, too, but it was a junker. It didn't even last me a year, and then I was carless for a while before I got my next one. I used to ride my bicycle a lot.