Blizzard of 2011


New Member
Are you or will you be effected by the blizzard? I know where I live we already have 3 inches and the snow is still coming down. It's pretty windy too so I hope we don't lose power.


New Member
We haven't been affected much by the storm, except for some rain and it's windy now. I've read that Chicago is getting hit hard and my sister lives close to the city. Indiana is getting hit pretty hard down to about 50 miles north of Kentucky. They got ice. I don't think it's over yet and our temperatures are dropping. I think snow is forecast for tomorrow.


New Member
We got about 9 inches of snow and the schools were closed for a day. I was out today and the roads were still bad this morning but this afternoon they were pretty good. It's really cold today though. I think they said it's suppose to go down to 3 tonight. I'm not sure what the wind chill would be on that. All I know is that it's cold and I'm glad tomorrow is Friday :smile:.


New Member
Oh, no! I hope you all living in that area will be safe and warm enough at your homes. Snow is nice but with the wind is definitely not.