Car Wrecks

Andy C

New Member
We have a police scanner and we hear at least two serious car accidents a day. That's a lot for our small population. We have several bad traffic areas in town that are really dangerous and you have to watch very, very carefully. Do you have areas like this around you?


New Member
I think every area has places like that. There are always places that have hidden spots and sharp curves. Places that don't are blessed. I also think if people would slow down a bit and watch what they are doing, it would be a lot better.


New Member
Until they corrected it, our high school entrance was like that. It was hidden and they finally did a lot of construction and straightened the road and put in a red light. It was horrible for many years.


Staff member
I leave within an hour or two of about 3-5 of the worst intersections in Florida out of the top 10. Thankfully I do not visit them often.