Color of your car and cops


New Member
Is it true that if you have a certain color car cops are more likely to pay attention to you? I've heard this for years and don't know if it's a myth or fact. I've owned several different colors of cars over the years and haven't noticed a difference.


New Member
According to one study, it isn't just the color of your car, but also the make. For example, the study showed that red cars DO get stopped more often, and Hummers are the vehicle of which the owners receive the most tickets.


New Member
Really? Is there a psychological explanation to it? Or maybe it's just because red cars and hummers are easily spotted? Hmm, it really got my curiosity. I'll do a research about this.


New Member
Yep I hear that red cars get pulled over more than any other color. I have owned a red car for a long time and (knock on wood) I don't get pulled over. I don't even notice the police looking at my car any different.


New Member
I know what color car I'll never buy :smile:. Why do the cops pull over the red cars more? Are these cars that they are pulling over high performance cars? I can see maybe a mustang or charger getting pulled over but I couldn't imagine a red honda or red ford escort getting pulled over.