Did you survive?


New Member
We only have one day left on this wonderful holiday weekend. I was wondering if you guys survived the festivities. How did it go? Were the trips back home to visit family worth it?


New Member
I was lucky and did not have to travel far. I enjoyed the time spent with family and friends very satisfying. We had cousins visiting and they are leaving tomorrow mid day. We had a great time reminiscing about our adventures when we were small.


New Member
I also was lucky, at least for Thanksgiving. Christmas might be a different story. The significant other's family was out of town so we just had to visit my family, which all gathered at one house. It was very nice and relaxing, and since I don't do Black Friday, I've had plenty of rest this weekend.


New Member
I did, it was busy, it was crazy, and not I have to go to work tomorrow and I am so tired. of course it was all worth it because I got to spend time with the people that I love the most.

Andy C

New Member
We didn't go anywhere this Thansgiving and honestly, we didn't even cook. We did a can of soup. My wife had to have some surgery on Wednesday and she didn't feel like doing much so we stayed in and didn't see a soul.