Driving Style


Staff member
What is your driving style. I'm more of a defensive driver in my truck. Mostly due to the size. I'm still fairly defensive when I'm in the wifes SUV, but is smaller, and I am willing to take more risks.

One thing I have noticed with all the rain my area that a lot of people do not seem to change their driving style. I drive slower and allow more room in the rain. But here I still see people going way above the speed limits, and tail gating.


New Member
I know what you mean. The posted speed limit is not the allowable speed limit. In the rain or snow a posted 70 MPH is not what you should be driving.


New Member
I'm a fast driver unless it's nasty outside. If it's nasty outside you will see me going really slow with a big line of cars behind me. I'm ok with that!
I tend to weave in and out of traffic if I am in a hurry.


New Member
My driving style is to blend in with the driving style of everyone else on the road. I'm not going to drive defensively if no one else is. That would just be rude.


New Member
Well, I believe I am a safe driver. I never reach or approach the speed limit when driving, not to mention go above it. Don't let your ego rules you when driving, and everything will be OK.


New Member
I was taught to always be a defensive driver but then again I had a parent who was a trucker too so you know, stories sometimes are told of the crazy things that can happen on the road. From an early age think of it more like scaring fear into someone before they learn to drive. :)


New Member
I adjust my driving style for the situation. You are right, there are a lot of people who do not do this. There are always a slew of accidents with the first snow because people do not slow down.