Not really. I leave my bike as it was when I purchased it years ago. I don't get into extreme graphics on my bike, but I enjoy watching them on other bikes.
My brother has a big bike and he only place few graphics on his bike. It really looks cool because the graphic designs doesn't take over the original design of the bike.
That's cool MiniMe. A few graphics properly set on a bike would be a good addition to its appearance. It's just like a nice small tattoo on a girl's ankle.
The best ones I have seen have been air brushed ones. I have never had a motorcycle but my dad always did and he used to do these really cool paintings on the tanks with the air brush.
My father had some military stuff done on one of his previous motorcycles. Not sure how much it costs though. He had the gas tank done and something else, cannot remember what. It was air brushed on and looked good. Not sure how much he spent on it.
One of my friends had a large skull and flames put on it. Personally, I prefer smaller designs with stretching flames. I think black bikes with flames look the coolest.
I saw an amazing bike with a Jack Daniels theme. It had a bottle sticking out above the gas tank. The were skulls and flames and stuff too. it is honestly one of the most attractive bikes I've ever seen.
This is a picture that was taken during Bike Week at Daytona Beach, Fla. I loved this bike. I don't have any graphics on mine but I love to look at what others have put on theirs. This one was decorated with an Old West theme.