Hanging objects on your rear view mirror


New Member
My neighbor got a ticket the other day because she had a necklace hanging from her rear view mirror. I didn't know it was illegal. Do you know if it is illegal in all states?


Staff member
I believe most states have similar laws. I've never seen anyone get a ticket for it though. But it has something to do with blocking vision.


New Member
I'm pretty sure there was national outcry when they bought in that law... I loved my fuzzy dice. At least I can still have my bobbing head dog toy.:monkeysmile:


New Member
I have never heard of that either. I guess I better hope that no one pulls me over because I have a necklace and a frog hanging from mine. You would think the cops would have better things to do.


New Member
The cop told my neighbor the reason why it is a law is because it can cause an accident. It is considered a distraction. He said it rates right up there with people hanging their feet out the window.


New Member
I think if it's blocking the view then it is illegal. I remember them saying those old stuffed dice were illegal and you could get a ticket from hanging them. I'm not one to hang anything, it irritates me.


New Member
I've never heard of it. I have an angel who gets me around. So I guess that's why they say to take your handicapped tags down while you're driving? I always leave mine up and I've never gotten pulled over yet. *crossing fingers*