Hooking Up Computer?


New Member
Is there a way I could hook up my laptop to my car's sound system. I have a ton of books on tape plus I have a kindle that I'd love to hook up to the sound system so I could listen to them when I drive. I'm one of the unfortunate people who get very sleepy if I listen to music when I'm driving long distances. I don't know if it's the rhythms of the music or the rhyme or what but I really would rather listen to a story or something of that type so I don't get sleepy.


New Member
Hi Benny! It depends on what your car stereo has. Does it have an input jack? If it does then you've got a fat chance. There are so many adaptor cables nowadays that can help you feed the audio from your computer to your car stereo.

Otherwise, you've got to be more creative. What I do is load the stuff I want to listen to my phone, a Nokia N79. This phone has a FM transmitter. All I'll do is match the frequencies of my car's FM radio with that of the transmission frequency of the phone.