Hybrid/Electric sizes


New Member
I am actually all for hybrid and electric vehicles, except for one thing: they are so darn small. I cannot imagine them being comfortable, and if you get in a crash with a larger vehicle, you are going to be the looser. Why don't they make these cars a little bigger?


New Member
That's a good question. I guess the smaller car works better for the economical image. But, really, a bigger car would be great to promote car pooling or be great for "Soccer Moms".


New Member
I would guess that they keep them small so that it would take less power to move the vehicle. If they were too large, the battery power needed to get it moving might be more than the car could hold.


New Member
That's the big secret with hybrids. They just make a lighter car and that's how you save on gas. I'm with you on this one. I love a full/size car. I can't imagine taking family trips in some of those tiny things. Might as well get a Geo Metro.


New Member
And what's also funny about that is that people with larger cars should be the one more interested in fuel-efficient cars. Those that drive smaller cars are already doing better on gas. Maybe they are just starting small to put the idea out there.