Is the drive-through enough?


New Member
I am a bit meticulous over keeping my car clean. I often pay the money at car washes for them to do a thorough cleaning, shampoo and waxing. My wife says I am too anal about it. She drives her car through the car wash once in a blue moon and doesn't worry about the dust that collects. Where do others fit on this line between ultra clean and just okay?


New Member
I don't mind using the auto car washes. I think they do a fine job for the outside of the car. I do clean the inside out myself though. I don't do it very often though. My hubby complains because I don't!


New Member
I don't think that the drive through car washes do a very good job at all. In fact there have been times when my car came out almost as dirty as it went in. I like to wash my car myself.


New Member
Because my car is a 1994 and the paint is a bit faded, I don't mind running it through the automatic car wash every week. It does a pretty good job most of the time. However, if it were a newer car with nice paint, I wouldn't go anywhere near a car wash; I'd wash it myself. I do vacuum and wipe down/Armor-All the interior myself, though.


New Member
I quit using the drive through ones when they broke my drivers side mirror and then wouldn't pay to fix it. I now wash my car in the driveway with a bucket of soapy water and a hose.


New Member
I wash my car every week or so at home. I hate using those drive through car washes. They cost a small fortune to get my truck clean and even then I do a better job. Oh and I wipe the dust off between washes. And I have been known to stay home if I've just washed my car and it's raining.


New Member
If I had a nicer car that I actually owned, you bet I'd do the works. Since I don't own my car and I'm upside down on the loan, it's not worth the time and effort for me to put any more work into it than a regular car wash auto cleaning.


New Member
We normally just wash our own cars. When a nice day rolls around, we drive the cars into the ally, and give them a good clean washing. It's fun to do, and much cheaper than going through the drive-through!


New Member
I tend to do both but most times it just comes down to how much time I have to spare when I am out and about. If I have the time I will head over and wait for people to take care of it hands on, if not its just a quick rinse.
I've used the automatic car wash stations before, but I've never been very impressed by the end result. Usually, I take my car to a local place and have it hand-washed. They don't charge much more than the automated car washes and they'll vacuum the inside for you as well.