Maximum number of people on a motorcycle


New Member
The motorcycle is primarily a one-person vehicle, right? Occasionally we let someone ride on the back. In the country I saw three persons on the bike and found it a bit shocking. Is there a rule that limits the number of people on a bike? If so, what's the penalty for violating it?


New Member
I looked through my motorcycle handbook and did not find any reference to this, so, out of curiosity, I called the New York State police.

The officer said that there is no specific law stating specifically "do not allow three people to ride on a motorcycle". But, if he saw three people on a bike he would pull them over, and he would definitely find something to charge them with, whether "unsafe driving" or some other catch-all law.

P.S. I have seen two people and a dog on a tour bike.


New Member
Nice research. :) Though there is no specific law against three people riding a bike, I think we can use common sense to judge it. The seat of a motorbike is designed to hold two people at most.