More fees!


New Member
Today I got a letter in the mail about renewing my license plates. If I do not do it at least 15 days before my birthday I get a $35 dollar fee!! Has this happened anyplace else?


New Member
This is the first time I hear about this. Is it just by chance that you have to renew it 15 days before your birthday? I never heard of a late charge for not renewing on time. However, it wouldn't surprise me, they are coming out with fees for just about everything.


New Member
You must be kidding! This sounds unreal and pretty unfair. What are they going to charge us for next? What state is charging you this fee?


Staff member
If it makes you feel any better, Florida is now going by how much weight your vehicle can hold, not stock weight. So my truck has to be renewed in Dec at a higher rate then the SUV which is due on the birthdate at a lower cost.


New Member
Wow! Makes me glad to be an Alabamian. Ours are renewed every year at the same time (depending on last name) and they're usually about the same amount every year. We even get a one month grace period from the time we buy a car before it has to be tagged.


New Member
The trick is to renew your license before your birthday. They impose stiff penalties to ensure compliance. You must be living in a city where the volume of cars is high. This is why authorities space the renewals evenly. Using one's birthday is a good strategy to do that.
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New Member
Gee Whiz! I'm telling you they come up with stuff to drain your budget every time you turn around don't they? If they don't come up with something like this then they are nickel and diming you to death. There are just too many "fees" these days. It's going to get to a point where you are not going to be able to pay the fees and then the vehicles will sit in the driveway. I think this may be their ultimate goal.


New Member
It's getting really bad lately. If we had public transit I would think long and hard about giving up the vehicles or at least just keeping them for a weekend thing. I hate the fees and licenses you have to have these days.


New Member
I'm with you in wishing there will be no more fees for license plates. The thing is, we just have to renew our license plates. There is a whole rationale for doing so that is simply good for everyone.

How often do you renew your license plates? Is it the same in all states?


New Member
We have to renew our vehicle license every year. We have to renew our personal driver's license every four years. It seems like we just pay our taxes and vehicle license every year and it's due again! It sure doesn't seem like a year to me but I guess it is. Our state doesn't have inspections thank goodness but we have to make sure we have vehicle insurance. Ours is a "no fault" state.