Recent movie thread...what have you seen?


Staff member
So what movies have you seen recently? The last one I saw was Ultra Violet. Disapointed me. Previews look much better, more action, but it has some very slow moments.


New Member
watching the released harry potter tonight
i am a big lord of the rings buff

with tv
check out "house" on fox, tues at 9pm.....takes awhile, but it grows on you


New Member
Schliders list is a must watch movie for is a real incident happened in Oskar schlinder's life during second world war


New Member
the movie deals with how Oskar saved more than thousands of jews from hitlers who kills thousands of jews during second world war


New Member
I have seen the movie " Pursuit of happiness " very lately and i found that to be a great movie , after seeing that movie only i knew what Will Smith does in acting


New Member
Lately i have seen the movie called " The Rock" Its an old movie but i have not seen that, the other day that movie was on the Tv so i watched it and felt dissapointed that i could have watched it in the movies.