Removing Ancient Bumper Sticker


New Member
So this used car my grandmother just got, has what has got to be a bumper sticker from ages ago stuck onto it. It has started to flake off and crack around the edges, but it still firmly stuck...almost too much so, in the center. I'm worried I might damage the paint on the car more than necessary with a razor - any ideas how to get this thing off with minimal damage?

Andy C

New Member
I don't know what would work best. Have you tried to use a very hot cloth draped over it and soaked for a bit? That may help. I would also try Dawn dishwashing liquid to try to get rid of the residue.


Staff member
I've heard of several ways. From soaking it in nail polish, vinegar, cooking oil, or lighter fluid.

However, some of them will damage the paint or like dish wash soap, will remove and strip any wax and hurt the paint.

Pep Boys sell something called Sticker Shock which I've heard decent things about.

I've found that if I take some fishing string, and work behind decals, stickers or badging on a vehicle it comes off fairly clean. It is the only way I debadge a vehicle now. You may get some residue left over, but with a good cleaner it comes right off, then I polish and wax it.

If it was there a long time, the paint color will most likely be different.


New Member
Thanks, guys. Fortunately, the car is white, so hopefully the paint color won't be too different. I'll look into the Pep Boys Sticker Shock; I feel like this thing will be too brittle for the fishing line to work.


New Member
I use tea tree oil to get old stickers of... well just about anything. It also works really well for bumper stickers on cars and does not harm the finish or the paint. I have used this method for years.


New Member
I tried to use denatured alcohol once and that was a really bad idea. It did take the sticker off but it also took the pain off with it, so what ever you do, do not use that!