Road Trip Snacks


New Member
What kind of snacks do you get for road trips? I like to stock up before I go. It might sound weird but I have to have different categories of things - some sort of hard candy, something gummy, something crunchy, and something sour.


New Member
Wow, that is a lot of snacks to have and take on a road trip. We take a cooler and have drinks, yogurt, and grapes. We also take pretzels and other healthier snacks too.


New Member
My dad always gets crunchy things because he says it helps him to stay awake. I would rather have something sweet but not too crunchy (or too chewy).


New Member
This gets us every single time. We can even go on a day trip and come back the vehicle looks like its been through 3 parties with a bunch of rowdy teens. I guess we have no self control.


New Member
Actually, I just like to bring drinks into the car during a road trip. I don't like the mess from food, and I try to avoid junk food. If I get hungry, it's a good reason to take a break and get a bite.


New Member
I chew gum when I'm driving, mostly. I keep a drink handy, but if I get hungry, I do like UGG and just pull in somewhere and eat. I eat better when I'm not moving.


New Member
It is a must on a long road trip to have a bag of chips and a slim jim to snack on. It is also the only time we get fast food, so stopping at McDonald's or Burger King is a must, too. We don't eat the stuff any other time, so my kids associate fast food with a trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house.


New Member
I usually take chips, diet soda, crackers or any other snack that's portable on road trips. If it is a long trip we also pack sandwiches. I want to minimize my stops so that I can get to my destination faster.


New Member
I can't really list what I take for snacks, because it varies so widely. It just depends on what I'm in the mood for at the time. I like places like Dollar Tree because I can get a good variety of just a little of this and a little of that.


New Member
I always keep a stocked Thirstbuster on hand and love to munch on sunflower seeds. It's really the only time I eat them, but they keep me active and awake while on the road.


New Member
I have a huge Lands End bag like this and we always take it for day trips. It comes in handy since I can toss my purse in there along with the camera bag, a sweater and all of our snacks.