Service Engine light on


New Member
My service engine light has been on for a week and I thought it was just because I had not put my gas cap on tight enough. Usually when that is the case, I tighten it up and then it goes off in a few days (after approximately 50 starts). This time it stayed on, so I am concerned it is something more important.


New Member
I'm not sure. My brother had his engine light go on once and it wasn't coming off but there was nothing wrong with his car, that is until his car broke down and the mechanic told him he needed a new engine. I wouldn't chance it. Might be best to get it looked at.


New Member
You should go to AutoZone or somewhere and have them check it (they have a tool that will give a code that tells for what reason the light is lit). Most cars' computers these days are set to turn on that light after so many miles, just to get you to take it in and have it reset.


New Member
I have never had trouble with the light coming on except for the gas cap so I don't think it is a reset issue. I will have to go to Auto zone and have it checked.


New Member
I posted a thread just like this one. I was given some good tips to look for. Check it out - it's even in the same area. Advance Auto was the place I took my car and they were able to test it and tell me what it was.


New Member
I finally had the time to go to Auto Zone and have it checked out. Turns out that my gas cap seal was cracked. I just had to buy a new gas cap. It was a super cheap fix at just $10.


New Member
I am glad that it was not a major repair. $10 is really good. It seems silly that things like that set off the light though. I had a friend who's light went on because she was low on windshield wiper fluid.


New Member
I had an engine light issue once, and it turned out that there was a simple issue with some component related to the light itself! Crazy or what?