Should we sell our car?


New Member
My fiancé and I have two cars and I'm really starting to think that we don't need a second one. I want to sell one of them but he doesn't want to. We've put so much money into our cars lately and I don't want to get ripped off. How do you go about knowing how much a car is worth?


New Member
The Kelly Blue Book is kind of the gold standard for car values. You can do a search for them online and get the info on what it's worth. You could also peruse newspaper ads for used vehicles to get an idea.


New Member
I always start with Kelley Blue Book. From there I try to find other people who are selling my exact car. Average out those prices, or add any extras you feel your car has. We recently thought about going down to one car. I haven't decided if we could really do it or not.