Slow Leak


New Member
My radiator has to have a slow leak in it. Every time before I start the car, I have to check the water to see if it has gone down any. Usually I have to put about a half of a gallon of water in it before I start it. If I drive more than 30 miles, I usually have to check it after that when it cools down and add some more. Has anyone used Stop Leak? I've heard it's worse than letting the leak go or replacing the radiator. Opinions?


New Member
I have the same problem, but I haven't tried Stop Leak. What does it do? I've just been checking my water before each drive and saving up for the inevitable radiator change.


New Member
I had a radiator problem that would have cost $1200 so I used stop leak and it worked and got me by. But now the situation is worse because I have a cracked head gasket. Now the problem will cost me $3500 to fix.