So dirty!


New Member
I wish I could blame the kids but it really is not their fault that my car is complete and utter mess. I just haven't had the time to clean it out recently.


New Member
Don't beat yourself up about it. Next time it does get cleaned put one of those garbage holders meant for cars in it. Tell the kids if they can't put their trash in it they will not be allowed to eat in the car. If it is toys tell the kids what they bring to the car will leave when they do. If not you might throw the toys in the trash. My cousin uses both methods and her car stays clean.


New Member
Yeah, I primarily use my car and others use it only rarely, but it still gets to be a mess! Somehow I never have time to clean it out good. It isn't filthy, just really, really cluttered.


New Member
My dad is that way. He hardly ever takes more than one other person in his car because even though it "seats 7," there's no room for more than two people!


New Member
You should see my car - it's gross. We are taking a long road trip on Friday so it has to be cleaned out prior. I know when we get home it will be a mess again. We eat in the car a lot - have to when you run one kid here and another there.


New Member
I live in my car, not literally of course, but I am always running somewhere. There are clothes in there, lawn chairs, empty soda cans. I think the only thing you won't find in there is half eaten food.


New Member
It is not the kids who are leaving things in there, it is me. I have tried leaving a trash bag in there but it just doesn't work out. I end up filling the bag and leaving it in there and then having more trash pile up.


New Member
I have a serious issue with leaves lately, we still have random ones falling through the yard and then they get stuck under the carport. Then of course they are tracked into the cars that we have and its the only "mess' that we actually have. Attacked by leaves. Its like this but remove the rake and stick me in a car instead.



New Member
I don't usually have too much problem with that, but I tend to be a pretty clean person in general. I make sure I take out anything I brought into the car when I leave it.