Square cars


New Member
What's with all these square cars driving down the highways? I have noticed more and more of them. They just plain look odd. I don't know the names of them yet, but I'm going to start watching out for them. Why would anyone want one?


New Member
I don't get the appeal either. They are so ugly and they aren't aerodynamic, which doesn't help with gas mileage. I've never asked square car owners why they like their vehicles.

I'll apologize in advance to any square car owners on this forum for trashing their vehicle of choice. ;)


New Member
I should have apologized, too. I would love to know the appeal. Do they have more room in them or something? That's the only thing I can figure out.


New Member
I don't care for them either. They just look too much like a box to me. I would never buy one anyway! I wonder what the appeal is with the square cars.


New Member
We tend to make fun of them when we see one going down the road. We also try to guess what made them buy such a funny car, I guess its mean but its honestly all in good humor nothing more.


New Member
Scion makes square cars and then of course you have the Ford Flex. There are some more but I can't think of them right now. I think they are just downright ugly but I figure to each their own.