The most you would spend on a new car


New Member
Imagine you won the lottery or something, and you had a good amount of cash. What's the most you'd want to spend on a new car? I don't think I'd go over $100,000. There are just way too many awesome cars available that are less than that. I would get something really nice though! :smile:

Dodge Doll

New Member
I think it would depend on the car, in truth.... I refuse to own a Maserati, as an example, and would adore an old Diablo.

I'd rather a castle to live in and drive a beater, though. :)


New Member
I would not be able to put a price on it really. First thing would be some personal matters to fix that would cost some nice chunk change fees in lawyers, then get a home - an awesome home, then work on the wants rather than the needs. I guess I would still shop smart, even rich.


New Member
I think I wouldn't go over $50,000 for a car, at most. Most vehicles going for more than that are only expensive because of luxuries that I can easily do without.


New Member
I would probably keep my car; I like it just fine. I would save as much as I could, after I pay off my house. I see no reason to buy a new car just "because I can."


New Member
I think I would cap off around $60,000. That leaves more than enough options and I don't want anything that would draw too much attention. I might even just get a couple $40,000 cars. :smile:


New Member
I think everyone made great points, but I like the idea of getting two $40,000 cars the best. Actually for my comfortable limit, I guess it would be two $50,000 cars. Then you can have some variety in addition to some luxury. Plus, I imagine my wife would want to give some input in how our money is spent, so this way we could both be happy.


New Member
It would depend on how much money I won. Since I have a car already and it's still working, I would likely spend the money on other things. Though, if I spent some of it on a car, I wouldn't spend more than $40,000.