The "Wheego"


New Member
Have you heard of this new make of electric car? The new LiFe is a tiny two-seater. Straight electric, not a hybrid. Not sure how far it will go.


New Member
I have not heard of that brand. I don't think it will take anybody far. Electrical cars that small are good for trips around town. I wouldn't want a two seater for nothing. I would be super afraid of being hit by a bigger car. People really don't know how to drive.


New Member
I don't think it will be around for very long. When you compare it to the practicality of the volt, or even the leaf, it does not stand up to the technology. A few people might buy it but I predict it will flop.


New Member
I think this car is too expensive. The Nissan Leaf is going to be $32,000 but it is a sedan with lots more space, and about the same mileage per charge.


New Member
I would rather have a motorcycle if I'm going to do something like that. Like Lizzie says, I would rather pay more for something else that would keep a bit of metal between me and other vehicles.


New Member
If we went back to horse and buggy, it'd be better for the environment but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I think the new "greener" rides are just a passing fad unless they get a whole lot better or a whole lot cheaper.


New Member
The movement towards "green" solutions is strong and persistent. I see it as a movement akin to the analogue-digital shift. At first there were imperfections, impressions of it being too expensive, etc. But researchers, manufacturers, investors and customers would soon work things out.