Top-Notch Security


New Member
I once heard about someone who had an alarm system that would page them as well as take a picture of the inside of the car every 5 seconds if it were broken into, which was unlikely because he had installed bullet-proof glass windows and had removed the handles and locks on the doors, relying entirely on the remote keyless entry. He acknowledged that if he were ever in an accident and rendered unconscious rescue workers would have a hard time removing him, but he thought it was worth it.


New Member
Man, is that guy a CIA agent? or maybe Agent 007? If he were an average American, his security equipment is an absolute overkill.

I think locking your steering wheel would be a sufficient addition to the locks on the doors. Any threat greater than what these can help you with, I suggest one should already hire security escorts.


New Member
I just use the Club. I know you can cut it off and I know it's not foolproof, but it will deter people away who are looking for something to steal real quick (like an unlocked door). So far, mine's not been stolen (and it's a Honda Accord, which is pretty high on the most stolen car list).


New Member
Honestly, if someone wants my vehicle in the shape it is now, they have to be pretty hard up for something to steal. That's the magic, just don't drive anything that's worth stealing and your golden.

Andy C

New Member
I would hate to be that man. To have someone who thinks more of his car than of himself, that's pitiful. What would his family pay for him to be back with them if he got killed in that car.


New Member
That's the way the world is now Andy. They don't value anything except possessions as worth having. Thankfully, I have learned my lesson early in my life. I cherish every minute I have with everyone I hold dear.


New Member
This reminds me of a joke which you may have heard of already. After all, I think a version of this appeared in Reader's Digest.

The bloody car owner was crying, "My Ferrari, oh my Ferrari" as he was carried away to an ambulance. When he was about to be loaded, the attendant said, "Your left hand has been smashed, sir, so please let me hold it firmly." The guy cried louder, "My Rolex, oh my Rolex!"