When criminals do dumb things


New Member
Ocasionaly you hear about a criminal doing something really stupid. I read this article today and I think it qualifies. A robbery suspect who stole a cart full of goods from Walmart decided to hide in a dumpster. Sadly for him the trash truck came shortly after and he ended up being seriously hurt when he became stuck in the trash truck.


New Member
I definitely think that qualifies as something stupid. Talk about bad timing, I guess he should have thought about whether or not it was trash day before he jumped in.


New Member
Ha! ha! ha! This is ridiculously funny. I've read a couple of stories like this and I think I'd rather hear something like this than the other way around--the criminal getting away. Most of the time the criminals outsmart everyone else. Very few are dumb like this one.
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New Member
Wow, that guy has bad timing. I am gonna hope that this man takes this as one huge lesson from the world. You get what you give, his poor family must be horrified.


New Member
At least he was just hurt and not killed - people have actually been killed in the same situation! This is why I love reading the Darwin Awards. :)