The Extended Driving Test is offered to individuals who may have had their licence revoked due to dangerous or unsafe driving practices. Unsafe driving practices may include driving under the influence of alcohol, reckless driving, excessive speeding or other reckless behavior in a vehicle. These individuals must return to learner status and take a special test to have their licence returned. During the learning stage, the “L” licence plate must be displayed on the vehicle. To qualify to take the Extended Driving Test, the driver must have held a standard full driver’s licence for 3 years prior to having the licence revoked. This individual may not drive on a motorway or operate a vocational vehicle during their learning period.
When a licence is revoked, the individual must apply for a provisional licence until the original licence is restored. During the learning stage, the individual may seek the advice of a professional driver, approved driving instructor (ADI) or an experienced driver over the age of 21. Most experts advise securing an approved driving instructor as this will increase your chances of passing the driver’s test. However, most individuals opt for an experienced driver that is over the age of 21. This is typically the more convenient and cost effective option. This training will help the driver prepare for the Extended Driving Test that will last a period of 70 minutes. Before taking the practical test, the individual must pass a written or theory test regarding the rules and regulations of the road. If this is successfully passed, the driver may progress to the next stage.
The practical portion of the examination will cover a variety of roads and skills. Most individuals will be asked to drive on a single lane carriageway while obeying the national speed limit. The driver will also be asked to drive on a dual lane carriageway while obeying the national speed limit. The individual may also be asked to demonstrate their ability to drive in reverse in two separate exercises. The student must be alert during the driving test to avoid all obstacles or hazards present in the road, as well as, obey all traffic laws and speed limits. The driver is allowed up to 15 different traffic errors during the test before the examiner will fail the driver. Drivers taking the Extended Driving Test will not be held to the same standards as a beginning driver. The driving instructor will examine the driver as experienced. Therefore, standard protocol, such as crossing while steering is not expected as long as the driving is safe.
Extended Driving Tests typically cost more than traditional driving tests. Therefore, drivers must be prepared to cover the additional expense. Individuals with special licences such as, motorcycle licences, bus licences or lorry licences may have additional requirements for their tests. For example, motorcycle drivers must complete compulsory basic training (CBT) before driving a motorcycle. If their licence is disqualified, they must complete the CBT again before full return of the licence. Bus and lorry drivers will lose their privileges to drive vocational vehicles regardless of the type of vehicle driven at the time of the offence. The person must complete the Extended Driving Test for each type of vehicle driven. The bus or lorry licence will only be issued in conjunction with a standard car driving licence. At the end of the disqualification period, the individual may take the category B test for driving a vocational vehicle.
Successful passing of the Extended Driving Test will also be favorable to insurance companies who may have raised rates due to the reckless behavior. The Australian National Roads and Motorists Association (NRMA) may offer information regarding insurance discounts and safe motoring conditions on Australian carriageways. Individuals interested in the benefits of the NMRA must be members of the association. This organization will also provide roadside assistance and other benefits as well.