Without fail the seasons of the year come each year as expected. Spring, summer, fall and winter are the four seasons we experience every year even though the same seasons are different depending on where you live. For states that have snow during the winter, the winterization process for your car involves more than those states that don’t have snow or other in climate weather conditions that take place.
Auto winterization is a very necessary part of taking care of your auto during the winter months. If you live in a warm climate, winterizing your vehicle is relatively simple and can be done with the help of your local mechanic at the auto shop. Winterizing your auto in a warm climate such as those in the southern region of the U.S. is a part of routine maintenance and includes changing necessary belts, filters, oil and spark plugs. Some auto mechanics can perform a complete winterization for your auto and advertise as winter approaches with specials. You can also get your car winterized through the dealer where it was purchased but this option is usually the most expensive.
For states where the winter months get significantly colder and there is snow on the ground, winterizing your vehicle is crucial to your driving safety. The process of winterizing your auto involves getting different tires to handle the snow and ice. In some areas where the roads are really bad, you can also add chains to your winter tires to help you maintain control of your auto when the roads are dangerous to travel on.
Auto winterization for in climate areas includes changing to a different weight for oil, having your auto’s system such as the radiator flushed, making sure that you maintain windshield wiper solvent in the reservoir at half full or more because you’ll be using it a whole lot more in the winter than other seasons.
Other ways to maintain and extend the life of your car include parking in a garage or covered parking structure so that your auto doesn’t have snow pile up on it when large snowfalls occur, keeping salt and debris from collecting on your auto (which can cause it to rust out), avoid car washes when freeze alerts are announced on the weather because this can cause water to freeze in your locks and replacing your windshield wiper blades if they are worn so that your visibility isn’t decreased further when you’re driving in bad weather such as a snow storm.
Taking the time to winterize your auto is one of the best ways that you can extend the life of your car from the front bumper to the rear trunk by using winterizing techniques that are applicable to the climate you life in during the winter. Even if you place your auto in a garage or storage facility all winter, you can winterize the engine and internal systems to be sure it runs well when you start it up the following spring.