Car Thieves - new methods


New Member
I don't think I'll ever understand this world we live in. Could you imagine jumping in someone elses car, and just taking it, with no feeling or guilt? There's not even a lot you can do to prevent it, alarms and locks only go so far.


Staff member
I've been reading more reports of people taking the catalytic converter off with a saw and then scrapping it for money. They get around $100 for one and it takes about 10-15 minutes to cut one out of some vehicles. I'll try and find the report.

Dodge Doll

New Member
BAIT CARS are making a huge difference where I live. They are cars that have hidden cameras and a 'kill switch' in them.

The thief is able to steal the car, sure, but a few minutes later, the engine dies and the care locks itself.... and the cops show up to ask you a few questions.....

Caught red-handed, the thief is often sentenced the maximum allowable.


New Member
I love the show about bait cars. I think it's hilarious when they realize they've been caught. I'm sure it doesn't actually deter them too much from doing it again, but maybe it helps a few.


New Member
Craig, people who steal don't have the same moral code that the majority of us have. I don't think that's necessarily a sign of the times, there have always been criminals and thieves. Their methods do change though, so it's good for honest citizens to be wary of that.

I agree that bait cars are awesome, and the show about them is funny. The thieves are initially so excited, thinking they got a huge break. Then it all comes crashing down on them. It's almost sad in a way, but they are getting what they deserve.


New Member
The thing about these thieves (referenced in the original article) is that they don't go very far. They often never even *start* the vehicle. It seems that the 'bait car' idea would be moot for these guys, to some degree.


New Member
I would think the bait car would still work for these thieves, because I believe the police monitor the car before someone jumps in. So even if someone just quickly came up to the car and tampered with it, the cops could go after them immediately if they tried to get away.


New Member
There was a story that recently hit the news for us and a transport van was stolen and it had a donated organ inside. Who would think to steal that? I mean really, a van? And if they did not steal it for the organ (I guess to skip the waiting list) why the heck take it??


New Member
My thing is, if it's so easy to steal a car by just breaking open the steering column, why aren't steering column covers made out of something besides flimsy plastic? I mean, common sense tells you they should be made of steel or iron. That alone would cut down on tons of stolen cars.


New Member
There was a story that recently hit the news for us and a transport van was stolen and it had a donated organ inside. Who would think to steal that? I mean really, a van? And if they did not steal it for the organ (I guess to skip the waiting list) why the heck take it??
That's ridiculous. It seems that thieves will steal any car they can break into. I wonder what the thief did with the donated organ. I don't think they sent it back to the person who needed/deserved it.