Bad parking & karma


New Member
A friend was visiting someone in the hospital and this place is known to be packed during the day in their lot so he decided to park on the end of the lot, in the grass under a nice shade tree.

Day 1: we decided to write him a fake ticket to freak him out a little.
Day 2: the birds in the trees did the rest of their business all over the side of his truck.

Karma does not like bad parking. :happy:


New Member
What I hate most about bad parking is when people take up more than one space, especially at the front of the lot.

There are also a lot of times I park near the back of the lot by myself so I can be parked by myself in a mostly empty lot. When I come back out the lot will be empty, except for the spot right next to me. Not necessarily bad parking, just an annoyance.

Dodge Doll

New Member
O what, so the rules the rest of us follow don't apply to him? How nice.... so why have them at all, then?

That sort of "me me me" behavior really gets my goat, and I'm evilly delighted to read that karma had some say in things.

I'd rather walk 5 blocks than risk a ticket or being towed... having known both when I was muuuucccchhhh younger, well, I don't tempt Fate like that anymore. HAHA


New Member
Man I can't stand those people who can't follow simple rules and etiquette of parking. It doesn't take much effort to straighten out your car so that you're parked in between the lines and it doesn't take much effort not to park so close that I can't even get into my car on the driver's side!


New Member
I have issues when I am driving the truck and I get surrended by a ton of idiots that forgot what proper parking is. The worst is when I get a great spot, go into the store then come back out with toddler & supplies only to find the next battle.

Throw everything in the back of the truck, squeeze the kid in the cab, squeeze me in the cab, pull out, find another spot, get all the crap from the back into the other side of the cab. I love my Dodge but sometimes a 1500 is a pain when idiots are around me.


New Member
What about neighbors who can't seem to park correctly or at least politely? We have a neighbor who is constantly parks parallel to the sidewalk in a way that blocks part of our driveway. It makes it very difficult to back out.


New Member
What about neighbors who can't seem to park correctly or at least politely? We have a neighbor who is constantly parks parallel to the sidewalk in a way that blocks part of our driveway. It makes it very difficult to back out.
I had a neighbor like that once when I lived on a one way straight and it was a near a busy intersection too. Its like no one matters to them except them. People like that we need to get off the roads.


New Member
There was just a situation like this around here. A guy was parking in the hospitals parking garage and couldn't find a close enough space so parked in one of those no parking areas near the elevator. Then a guy who was driving himself to the hospital because the thought he was having a heart attack, had a heart attack and ended up slamming in to the guy's truck. Sadly, the guy died his car caught fire and it burned up the other guys truck and a couple other cars because they couldn't get fire trucks in there.


New Member
Haha, that is so awesome. I never would have thought of this on my own but now that you have given me the idea I am going to print up some fake tickets myself!


New Member
There was just a situation like this around here. A guy was parking in the hospitals parking garage and couldn't find a close enough space so parked in one of those no parking areas near the elevator. Then a guy who was driving himself to the hospital because the thought he was having a heart attack, had a heart attack and ended up slamming in to the guy's truck. Sadly, the guy died his car caught fire and it burned up the other guys truck and a couple other cars because they couldn't get fire trucks in there.
That is absolutely horrible.

One thing puzzles me. People will park at the mall and squeeze into the closest spots possible (or park where they are not allowed). Then they will do laps inside the mall, shopping. Why park so close just to walk anyway? Same goes for the gym or grocery store.


New Member
A friend was visiting someone in the hospital and this place is known to be packed during the day in their lot so he decided to park on the end of the lot, in the grass under a nice shade tree.

Day 1: we decided to write him a fake ticket to freak him out a little.
Day 2: the birds in the trees did the rest of their business all over the side of his truck.

Karma does not like bad parking. :happy:
Be careful with writing those fake tickets. You don't want to get in trouble with the law for doing such a thing. They do not like when you do that. If a cop sees that fake ticket, he may arrest you for impersonation.


New Member
Good point and its not something I really thought of. It was on a small white piece of paper but there was nothing printed on it, just a random piece we found in the auto that day. On another note, I was out earlier and caught this bad driver too.


New Member
Today I went to the grocery store a car was parked only halfway into a spot. The butt of the car was sticking out into the lane of traffic. How does somebody park like that and think it's okay? It doesn't take much more effort to get in the car and pull up straight. Also, if your car doesn't fit, don't park there!


New Member
What I hate is when I finally find a parking space, but can't pull into it because someone has left a shopping cart. This frosts me to no end
because the cart return is so nearby! Some people are so lazy! Your post was so funny, chillen. Yes, karma is alive and well.