What's the most bizarre thing you've seen while driving? PG rated please.


New Member
Unfortunately, I would like to share something with the forum, but can't seem to figure out how to express what I'd like to say. So I'll have to get back to for that. But I'm sure many of you have some strange or comical sightings to share with everyone.


New Member
Once when driving down the highway I saw a clown driving along, singing to the radio. Blue curly hair, big red nose, white face....it was hysterical. I did a double take and couldn't believe my eyes.


New Member
I saw a road sign that said cattle crossing. Funny thing was there was actually a road block caused by cows crossing when I spotted it.


New Member
Many things!
  • A man playing a banjo while driving
  • A duck crossing sign with the cutest duck picture
  • Many people dancing and singing in the car, loudly
  • Once I had to stop and call 911 because I saw a woman smacking a man around in the car. She was trying to take him to the psych hospital and he didn't want to go


New Member
Wow NeedNewWheels, the last one is terrible, but it happens. As for me, I saw a man driving and talking and laughing on the cellphone, and having lived long enough to do the stupid things.


New Member
Many things!
[*]Once I had to stop and call 911 because I saw a woman smacking a man around in the car. She was trying to take him to the psych hospital and he didn't want to go
I think that might top anything that anyone here could guess. I figure I am pretty boring, I never see stuff like this when I am driving. I do sometimes catch funny license plates (none I can post here as they are not PG).


New Member
It was a very weird situation. She was stopped in the median and was in my way from making a left hand turn. I stopped and put on my flashers while my dad went over and talked to them. He found out the story while I called 911. I didn't stick around to find out what happened though.

I am sure there are crazier stories though!


New Member
I can't think of anything offhand, but I'm sure I've seen something. I saw a car once where there was a dog buckled into the passenger seat; that might be the weirdest.


New Member
Had to have been the "full moon" in the car next to me at a stop light. I don't know what these kids are thinking, offering up bare skin like that to any passerby!


New Member
Had to have been the "full moon" in the car next to me at a stop light. I don't know what these kids are thinking, offering up bare skin like that to any passerby!
Nice! And my mom always told me not to give people peace signs out of the car because she was obsessed with the fact that somebody might shoot at us.


New Member
I saw a car that looked like nobody was driving at all. We passed it and it turned out that the driver was really short, so you couldn't see their head over the back of the seat!