Winter Driving


New Member
What is your choice of vehicles to drive in the snow and ice? I prefer a jeep. They perform like a little tractor and usually can go through anything.


New Member
I prefer whatever it is I am driving. I don't have several cars to choose from. I would prefer a snow plow if it was really bad out. Jeeps don't have good suspension or so I've heard so I wouldn't pick one of those.


New Member
A 4 wheel drive truck! Second choice is a snow plow (loved that answer)! Whatever I drive will have studded tires for sure! I think we are going to get a lot of snow.


New Member
I only have one car but I always use my winter tires when it's winter season. If I could have a choice, I guess I'd love to drive an SUV but right now I'll stick to my old car :)


New Member
Snow vehicle

We don't get enough snow and ice around here to justify a vehicle for those conditions. We don't even need snow chains. I usually just plan to stay inside when it snows. I'm lucky in that my job allows me to do so. If I do venture out in bad weather, I stay far away from cars around me.


New Member
My car actually does quite well in winter and rain conditions which I love. The best part is after having the headlights cleared out again (they got gunky) they work like they are brand new. This helps me early in the mornings when I head out and it is still dark out.

Otto Von

New Member
I really do not have much of a choice. I only have one vehicle, and it doesn't do too well with a lot of snow. It is fine to drive in a reasonable amount of snow, but it can't handle a foot of snow or more.


New Member
I don't have to worry about winter driving anymore, but when I did, I had a car with rear wheel drive. That was awful. I loaded some kitty litter in the trunk and that helped but I still fishtailed more than I wanted to.


New Member
I drive a 4WD and since we get a lot of snow where I live there is no way, I would drive anything that wasn't. I remember when I drove my Escort and there were some pretty hairy moments.


New Member
I drive a 4WD and since we get a lot of snow where I live there is no way, I would drive anything that wasn't. I remember when I drove my Escort and there were some pretty hairy moments.
I never minded front wheel drive in snowy conditions; it was just rear wheel that was an issue. That said, I'm sure 4WD is the best option.


New Member
I prefer not to drive in snow and ice! Given the choice I would stay home all winter long. I do drive a 4WD though. I would hate to be in a car in some of the crap we get.


New Member
I drive a car that works best for the majority of the season. When it's really snowy or icy, I stay home. We don't have that much bad weather through most of the year, and when it's bad out, there should not be too many cars on the roads. I can stay put, so I do.