Search results

  1. L

    Where did you get your first car?

    I got my first car some 5 years back , My own car i bought it with my money :D , I had a car at home before i was born.
  2. L

    What are the risks involved in internet

    If kids are around try to keep blocking softwares to prevent visits to harmful sites, and always keep an eye on what your children see and use.
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    How often do you use your credit card?

    I have never used it anywhere because i dont have one :D but i use debit card mainly for online paying
  4. L

    Do You have a blog

    Yes i have a couple of blogs which i update them daily , bollywood, cricket, and making money online blogs.
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    NBA thread.

    I really love watching this game, but not much crazy about it though. I'm not in any fan club yet.
  6. L

    Who can tell me more in detail about

    General Chat is the off topic discussions about anything since this is an Auto forum and you want to talk about your last movie review then that is a place you can have those posted.
  7. L

    Which is better Pulsar or Karishma

    Pulsar 220 rocks than anything and its one of the best bikes in its class . Pulsar has changed the name of Biking in India , with its style and power .
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    Do You Rent Your Car?

    Do you rent your car ? Have you ever taken a Car for rent when you have had your own ? Would you prefer renting a car. What are the things to be noted when a car is taken for rent.
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    Car Audio

    I'm using Pioneer , and very much satisfied with the service and sound effects it offers , it just plays my ears out.
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    Hybrid Cars ?

    Yes off course they are woth the investements but we will have to have many limitations in choosing hybrid cars , they have less power and performance compared to normal cars is one of them.
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    Style Or Effeciency ?

    What most matters when planning to buy a car is it style or effeciency? Which style car you love most? Which is the most Effecient car according to you ?
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    Seen any car shows?

    Yes , yearly one of our clubs organise car shows in our area , they will be having the collection of vintage cars to the most modern cars , it was really a great show that is organised yearly.
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    What to Test Drive ?

    Try an Model of the Mercedes Benz. if that fits in your budget , in my point of view there is no other model that can be purchased and used.
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    Petrol or Diesel?

    Petrol and Diesel are good only , Thats why they are used :D . Petrol is good in price but diesel is powerful in strength , for perforamnce i think diesel is above an edge
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    Is buying a new car a waste of money?

    buying a new car is not a waste of money if you plan to have a car for yourself for a span of five to six years. if you are not of that type then selecting a secondhand car would be better
  16. L

    who is your favourite actor??

    I love Nicholas Cage , John Travolta, Arnold . I love mostly action movies and most of them i have seen nearly 10 or 15 times, whenever they appear on TV , i watch it well with the taste that i'm seeing it first.
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    Hyundai offers return policy on new car purchases

    I got an offer which i was not able to resist with my car came a lot of freebies and good discounts , the economic data thats delivered, is creating panic within the economies itself so everyone fears a recession , so offers keeps on pouring In.
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    Safety Council: Ban Cell Phones While Drivin

    I agree to this every country should pass out this rule , that they need to ban the cell phones while driving , the persons using this should be aware of these facts and act responsibly.
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    Whats Your Pick

    I too agree with your friends point of views !!! buying a second hand car will be economical and we have the option of changing the car quite often.
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    Thanks for the reply i was also searching with some what a same problem, Thanks carcrazy for the reply . I have one doubt whats the voltage of the battery when the engine is idle?