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  1. vroombaby

    Blinker - turning signal

    I do not think the six blinks works either, I counted mine today and six blinks was barely 3-4 car lengths when I was in a 45MPH zone and slowing down. It has to be more than that, it just has to otherwise I am going to be paranoid behind the wheel!
  2. vroombaby

    surprise family!

    We were planning on a small get together for the holidays but now it seems like the house will be invaded. A cousin is flying out and had a spat with his mother (who we do not get along with), so we have extra family staying for the next week. It is sad that his mom can not get over being so...
  3. vroombaby

    Blinker - turning signal

    I know in most states it is within about 100 hundred feet but I am not sure if that is every state or just some of them. I am going to check this out the next time I am in the car and count the blinks just to compare with what I find from my own state.
  4. vroombaby

    Decent mileage standards coming?

    Is anyone trying to guess what gas prices will be by then? I have about a 15 gallon tank but it is still expensive to fill it up lately. For some reason the more stations they build the gas continues to rise right along with it.
  5. vroombaby

    Bah Humbug

    It is just the time of year that things get a little more hectic for us, or we just think they do as we are rushing around when we could really be moving at a slower pace. I tend to avoid rushing during this season as it causes too much stress.
  6. vroombaby

    I already bought it

    I think the grocery store is the worst place possible. Now anytime I visit if there are buggies around my car, after I park I get out and put them all back in the cart storage area. I would hate to think that they would go after my car again.
  7. vroombaby

    I already bought it

    I swear I am not a bad driver but I have had bad luck with my current car. It has been hit twice at the market (one hit and run, one with a buggy), hit on the back quarter panel during a blind spot I tried to creep out of and now the recent fender bender. Does anyone else feel like they have...
  8. vroombaby

    Tire Pressure

    Once a month as long as things are riding smooth, I never deal with setting them back up again for me it is easier to just pay someone for it. Same goes with the husbands vehicle since his is mixed with air and nitrogen, we would rather not take that task on.
  9. vroombaby

    Driving In Bad Weather

    Some people are crazy during normal weather, it just gets worse when you have to add road conditions to the mix but it is sadly something we always have to deal with. We have been lucky so far but I have a feeling the worst is yet to come, stay safe!
  10. vroombaby

    Decorating your vehicle for Christmas

    I have seen all types of cars setup this year already but we never do it. So far I have seen candy canes, mittens and holiday flags hanging off cars. I guess the people in my area are quite festive!
  11. vroombaby

    Got the tree!

    That is nothing, I am still running behind! We are going to get our tree on Friday but I have started to put everything else up today, so far the railing is wrapped and a few pieces are out but we still have far to go!
  12. vroombaby

    Crazy drivers at the mall

    We had a similar issue over the weekend when we headed out to get breakfast on Saturday going to IHOP. People were darting out in front of cars to physically block you from parking in an open spot. I thought cars occupied spots, not people. We also had a car back up on us because she was...
  13. vroombaby

    Yield means...

    Yield means an almost stop when required, right? I am pretty sure that was in the text books when I went to school. Today I was almost hit by a guy who has no idea how a roundabout works. Do they not include these anymore in the driver books?
  14. vroombaby

    Dry Weather

    I have lived out west before and felt the pain of the nasty sun beating down on dashes to crack them, what an ordeal! Is there any chance with dry weather without it being hot that a dash can still crack?
  15. vroombaby

    House smells like Lysol!

    Lysol has been around forever and after all of this time you would think they could break out new fragrances from time to time. Nothing fancy but something better than the same boring one they have. Our town has been hit hard with the flu bug, I am still hoping to not catch it!
  16. vroombaby

    How Much Does it Cost?

    What type of vehicle do you have? It helps to know the size of the vehicle to get an idea. We tend to shop around and can get something simple for $20 or spend more depending on how much we want to pamper our "baby".
  17. vroombaby


    I would pay off any debt I have which right now compared to many others is quite minimal. After that I would stock up to pre-pay a few of my normal bills and then take a month long vacation.
  18. vroombaby

    Charger, oh yes please!

    I have yet to drive one so I really do not know, but if I end up getting one I will check it out. I have never actually had a rental before so its going to be an interesting experience.
  19. vroombaby

    FloorLine DigitalFit

    To spend the money or not spend the money, that is the question. I ran across this product the other day when I was couch surfing down with a bad cold. The price is so-so but the idea that I can totally protect the floors in the car is a huge plus. Would anyone else get these?
  20. vroombaby

    How much stuff?

    I keep very few things in my car and I never personalize it other than an air freshener. I keep a spare small bag in the center console along with a little spare change and cough drops. Otherwise it is almost always empty other than random dirt.