$1,000 poorer


New Member
I finally got my car back from the auto repair shop. My brakes now work, the steel in my tires is no longer showing, and I can now roll the passenger side window up and down. I'm a happy camper, but my checking account is hurting. It's always something, isn't it?


New Member
It is always something that is for sure. It seems like once one thing goes everything does. I'm glad that your car is in better shape though! Lets hope it does not need anything else for a while.


New Member
I feel your pain JohnBoy, this week my radiator went out ($270 repair), I found out I needed new brakes and a rotor, and I had to get my windshield wiper arm repaired because the nut/bolt got stripped out and it would not go back and forth anymore. I shelled out over $400 to get everything fixed.


New Member
Glad you got your car in safer running order. Bad tires and brakes is an accident waiting to happen. It sounds like you got your car thoroughly checked out so hopefully you won't have anymore problems for a long time.


New Member
It seems like when one thing goes wrong several do, doesn't it? I just had a bunch of repairs done too. It is good that it is done now though so hopefully you won't have any more repair bills for awhile.


New Member
Yeah, it always hurts. I wish things would change, but prices just keep going up and up. I just do not see that changing anytime soon.


New Member
They never tell you the fun part of being a grown up is paying the grown up bills like this one. Was it an accident, did your insurance help any?


New Member
JohnBoy, you're right. It always seems to be something. I don't need any vehicle repair bills right now because I'm dealing with IRS and Medical bills. I guess I could have a few more bills to pile on.