16 and a car??


New Member
What is a good starter car for a 16 year old? My daughter thinks I’m buying her a Mustang (it’s her favorite too) for her 16th birthday- she is out of her mind. What do you think would be a good starter car? I am thinking some old car that has a lot of miles but runs well. A good used car! Thoughts?


Staff member
Something big, but not too big. And slow. Something like a Malibu, or a Monte Carlo. A few years old. And cheap. Check out insurance rates for certain vehicles too.


New Member
Something that won't break down and is reliable. Something she won't get in trouble with ie. speeding or having too many friends in the car. As for the year, I wouldn't go more than 6 years old because then you have to worry about things breaking down and the mileage probably is starting to get up there.


New Member
You know I never even thought about insurance rates for the added vehicle. Thanks for the tip! I know my insurance will go up because I will have a young driver on it again. Slow is good, you are right on with that one. I wasn’t thinking too big though- I want her to be able to park it and reverse it without having problems.


New Member
I agree with the suggestions that others have made, except that I would get her a smaller car, but not too small. I think the engine is the most important consideration and should not have too much power.


New Member
I sure wouldn't get a 16-year-old anything fancy or new. I wouldn't get them one without them working to help pay the cost of driving it, either. It could be a very good lesson in economics and responsibility.


New Member
Something you would have no issue getting scratches and bumps on. I assume that she is a beginning driver so you should expect that she would dent the car sometimes.


New Member
Nothing expensive but not too old either because you don't want them stuck on the side of the road. I'm thinking a Ford Focus or something similar? Although I don't trust those smaller cars in an accident. Honestly, these days, I kind of wish they'd up the driving age. I hate to think of my 16 year olds out on the road, so many crazy drivers. I just wonder if they are mature enough to handle it. It's not like when I was a kid.

Dodge Doll

New Member
Well, of course I'm going to say DODGE.... Neon, in fact.

Or a Ford Escort. Both are great on gas, very forgiving to new drivers, cheap to fix and get parts for.... and you can pick up either, 10 yrs old, for about $1500. Four cylinders is all a 16 yr old needs, you're asking for it otherwise.

Both Ford and Dodge design their econo-boxes around a steel cage: an accident may leave the car "round", but the passenger compartment remains intact.