Donnie, that's awful! Who shot her? That sounds like a personal vendetta, like an ex-boyfriend or something. I think the world has gone mad. I just don't understand how someone can think that going out and shooting a bunch of people is the answer.These are the ones we hear about. I just wonder how many there are that don't make the national news. We had a shooting two months ago right here in our neighborhood shopping center. Our favorite waitress was shot and killed right in the restaurant, and we don't live in a dangerous neighborhood.
I agree. After awhile you just kind of get jaded by at all. You still have compassion for the victims, of course, but it kind of wears on a person when, like you said, the majority of the news focuses on these things.This is one reason I would rather read the news than sit and watch it on TV. I know these issues are out there but its not the only thing I want to see on late night TV news either. Sometimes its just took much to take in when 80% of the news show is shootings and killings.