Another stolen car!


New Member
My neighborhood has had an outbreak of car thieves. In the past month, 6 cars have been stolen. It's really scary. I keep my car locked, and everything out of site. It doesn't seem like that's going to help if they decide to take my car though. I feel like all I can do is make sure my insurance is paid up, and wait. :eek:hwell:
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New Member
That's scary, yeah. Does your neighborhood have a "neighborhood watch" system set up? If not, maybe it's time to start one. I hope your car escapes the notice of the thieves!


New Member
No, we don't have anything like that set up. It's never been necessary before. I actually live in a really great neighborhood. I haven't ever heard of any crime here before this. I'm assuming it's someone who has just moved into the area. It can't just be random.


New Member
Wow, that's scary. We need to be aware that car thievery also happens in the real life and not only in movies. Anyway, have the police caught anyone yet?


New Member
I keep a Club on my steering wheel when I'm not driving the car. Yeah, it's not foolproof and yeah, it can be cut off. But most car theives are looking for a "quick steal," and few would risk being in a car long enough to cut off the Club. I highly suggest it.


New Member
I have actually thought about getting a Club. No one has been caught, there have been 2 more since I posted this. I did get a letter from the HOA saying there would be an increase in police presence, and they were working to resolve this. Evidently it's not working.


New Member
Yea I'd be getting myself a club. If nothing else, it at least offers some resistance. I think those things are pretty hard to get off though, so they would have to be really determined.


New Member
My mom once caught two thieves inside my dads truck one night when she went to the store. She had the Club on and heard one of the guys say, "Nah, let's try another one, this one has a Club." So they definitely work!