Big business and the electric car


New Member
That is cool to hear. According to the article two large rental car companies will also be buying them. I would love to rent one to drive for a week or so just to see what they are like.


New Member
That is nice to hear. I think that is a good start for the new electric cars. If corporations use them, then their employees will get a chance to use them. They might like them, they might tell friends. Also people will see them on the road and it will seem more normal. This is good news.


New Member
I think it's great. If more big companies would switch over their corporate fleet vehicles, it would be a win-win all the way around. The more they purchase, the quicker the price comes down, they get the tax break, and less emissions.


New Member
You know, what would be really great is if the government gives big business a reason to switch. I really think something like that could have a lot of positive effects on everything from pollution to the recension.


New Member
With a name like "General Electric", I wonder if they felt some pressure to go in that direction! I think that it reflects really well on their company. I wonder if they manufacture any of the car's components?


New Member
That's wonderful. That will help some with pollution issues. Now if we can just get the solar and wind technology down to a price that most of us can afford, that would be wonderful.


New Member
It would be nice to see the government motivating businesses to make that sort of change. Right now it is good to see a large company like GE making the choice to switch because they want to.


New Member
I have to wonder sometimes if the car companies are taking their sweet time because they don't want us to switch from gas because it makes them more money. Electric rates are regulated. I don't know if gas prices are but I don't think so.


New Member
You know, I've thought the same thing myself. A lot of the technology for these vehicles was already available. Why couldn't they have done something like this before? You have to wonder if it was just greed.