Car Talk on NPR?


New Member
Does anyone else listen to "Car Talk" on NPR? I listen every Saturday which is the day it's on the radio here. It is hilarious and I've picked up a few tips to repair cars. The guys (I think their name is Tappit or their alias is) who talk on the program would be awesome to see live.


New Member
Nope! Never heard of either really. I don't like talk radio and I am sure I would like it even less if it was about repairing cars. I love to drive cars, not fix them.


New Member
I don't listen to either. I guess I don't like to listen to any talk radio. I'm more into music. What stations even play those types of shows?


New Member
Before satellite radio, NPR was the only source of intelligent radio programming. I used to listen to that show all the time, and I still do occasionally. It's hard to imagine a show named "Car Talk" being interesting, let alone funny, but that show is both.