"Car Wars" in MI


New Member
In the middle area of the state, near Alma, they're having "car wars," in which four dealerships are competing for buyers. They're offering prizes and instant financing. They never do this sort of thing where I live, and MI is a bit too far for me to travel, but it sounds like a great deal for those who live there!


New Member
I have family in Grand Rapids, but I'm not sure how far Alma is away from there. It's sad I guess, because I grew up in Michigan. I'll let my family know in case anyone is looking for a car.


New Member
Alma is about 3 hours from Grand Rapids I believe. They have "wars" like this in areas all over Michigan all the time. I think it stems from the days when Motor City was in full swing. Michigan was the car manufacturing capital of the US for a long time after all.


New Member
Nothing is as cute as companies fighting for customers because we end up having the digression of where to go to. That also means a reduction in prices, right?


New Member
I am pretty sure this is done all the time. As a matter of fact, where I live, there are several car dealerships all along one major highway. They are all always having different events, as an effort to outdo each other.


New Member
We have a strip down in our town that does something similar but I am guessing since its a smaller town, not to the extent that these guys do. The best though is when its a summer sale and they are promoting old school hot rod car events. Buy a car, or not but still see a ton of good oldies.


New Member
Individual dealers do promotions with prizes where I live, but I don't think it's usually a competitive thing. I really like the idea of "car wars" though. I've always thought that competition is the best way for consumers to get good deals, for cars and in general.


New Member
Any time that there is competition, it is very healthy and ends up benefitting just about everyone involved. I used to love the cable wars that went on where I live.