Cleaning the Inside of the Windshield


New Member
Does anyone know an easy way to clean the inside of the windshield? It's very awkward to do, and most times I wind up missing a few spots. I've seen the thing they sell on t.v., but I'm not spending $20 on some plastic do-hickey. How do you clean yours?

Dodge Doll

New Member
A towel, a face cloth, a coffee filter, and Windex.

The towel is for the dash, I spray down the entire thing (after removing the mirror), use the facecloth to 'scrub' and clean, half-dry with....

I 'buff' it with a coffee filter.... no lint that way. :D


Staff member
Windshield cleaner, Eagle Eye I think is the name, and some news papers.


New Member
Windex or ammonia & water, and newspapers. Newspaper is the best thing for cleaning glass because it doesn't leave behind lint and it doesn't streak, usually.


New Member
I only use vinegar and water and newspaper. It leaves no streaks and its cheap. I think I will try coffee filters next time, too.


New Member
It IS very awkward to clean the inside of the windshield! I have to be in the right frame of mind before I can deal with it!


New Member
All I use is a few paper towels and some Windex. If I really don't feel like finding the Windex or I have run out I'll just use some water.


New Member
There is a gizmo you can buy to make this chore easier? I'd LOVE to know what it is. I would gladly pay $20 to make that chore a breeze. (I'd probably have a cleaner windshield too!)


New Member
The inside of my windshield has been driving me crazy. No matter how I clean it, a film returns with in 24 hours. What could be causing that?


New Member
I just get in there and clean it. It's not a great fit but I'm not paying $20 for some "as seen on TV" product to make it easier. I use windex and paper towels.


New Member
I agree with Hotrod25, I don't see a need for anything fancy. It's not the most fun chore, but I only do it once in a while anyway. I guess I'm just not a perfectionist when it comes to a clean windshield, it takes a while before it really starts to bother me.