Convex mirrors on cars


New Member
I've seen cars that add convex mirrors on their side mirrors. See image below:

I think they're pretty cool.

Has any of you used these kinds of mirrors? What's your experience? Have they helped?

Dodge Doll

New Member
I now drive for a living, and those convex mirrors are a huge help to me on a daily basis. Once you've learned how they present images, you can use them in ways you can't use a regular mirror.

As an example, I can park a 5-ton within an INCH of the rear bumper on a low-slow Acura... I'm the one my buddies call when they're moving, and it's NOT to hike the furniture and boxes: it's to drive the truck.


New Member
I've had vehicles with the small convex mirrors on them, but I never used them. It's a good point that you'd have to learn how they present the image, but it sounds like taking the time to do that has lots of benefits. If I get another vehicle with them on it, I'll take the time to learn.


That little "fish eye" is just to let you know that something is there. I have them on my van but I am not the one who installed's rare if I use them. My mirrors are set so I can just see the rear corners of my vehicle and the rest is focused on the lanes beside me. I care more about what is beside me than behind's up to the driver to take a good look at the area he plans on backing into when he pulls into the area.....then he/she judges by the corners of the vehicle or trailer when backing up.


New Member
At the very least it shows you things beside your car that you won't normally see (blind spot) without these convex mirrors. But yes, it may time some getting used to before you can effectively use them. Still, it looks like a useful gadget worth exploring, isn't it?