Crazy commercial drivers


New Member
Today I was sitting at a red light and the commercial truck next to me (for a local heating company) started across the light. He anticipated it changing about a full minute early and had to slam on the brakes about a foot after the stop line so that he would not run the light. I wanted to get the plate and call his company to tell them what I thought about it but I didn't have a piece of paper to write it on.


New Member
Yes they do get in a big hurry don't they. I have gotten into the habit of pausing for just a second or two when my light turns green to look both ways and be sure no one is trying to get through the intersection before their light turns red. We've had several accidents in our area just because of that.


New Member
I have seen many vehicles do this (me included). I usually am in a hurry when I do it. I never go too far into the intersection though. I would have called the company too. He could have caused a major accident.


New Member
He was way out in the intersection. So much so, had a car come down the other street they would have had to swerve to miss him. I never roll into the intersection until the light turns green.