Cruise control scare


New Member
My girlfriend was driving on the free way and had her cruise control on. I was behind her following her. The next thing I know her car speeds up and starts flying. I thought she had gone crazy. I tried to keep up with her and she was going at least 90 then started swerving back and fourth. Turned out the cruise control not only got stuck on but the car kept accelerating. What in the world kind of malfunction causes that? By the way she is fine after a few minutes the breaks finally stopped the cruise control and she was able to get off the road.


New Member
I suppose you did not hear about it. But over the years there have been quite a few call backs and warnings issues about how dangerous cruse control can be if it goes wrong.


New Member
Wow, that is the first I've heard of that. I mean sure I've seen the recalls and such but I have never heard of it happening to anyone. Thankfully she was able to handle the car and got it stopped ok.


New Member
Ever since they started recalling cars for malfunctions, I started cutting back on how much driving I let my cars do. Cruise control I never really used, and now I know why. That's scary. Glad it turned out okay.


New Member
Man that's scary. She did good to maintain control of the car. Isn't that why Toyota has recalled some of its cars; between the breaks, the gas pedal and cruise control going out of control?