Do you prefer to wash and clean your car yourself, or pay someone else to do it? I will do it myself sometimes when I'm in the mood, but I'm much more likely to take the car in and read a magazine while someone else does the work.
Money can be saved if you do it yourself. However, it is so nice to have it done. The fresh clean smell is worth every penny when the cleaning job is done. I treat myself to this about once a year. Other times, I do it myself.
Most of the time I do it myself just to save money. But I also really like that clean fresh smell you get after you have had it done professionally. :smile:
Most of the time I just rinse mine off and hit the inside a little. But, about once a month or every 6 weeks or so I like to have it done professionally. They always do such a thorough job and it does smell good.
I wash mine myself, but only on the outside. The inside I leave to the professionals, they have special tools and products that makes my car spotless and it also smells nice afterwards.