Dogs In The Back Of Trucks


New Member
This is one thing I see all around where I live that drives me crazy! These people around here put their dogs in the back of their trucks and just haul butt down the road. I have even seen one on the tool box riding around before. Don't these people know that it would probably kill the dog if they got into an accident or the dog fell out?


New Member
Where I live the law says you must secure the dog on a rope less than 1 metre long to the front/centre of the tray, but I know someone whose staffy jumped out at the lights cos he saw another dog. Luckily the dog didn't choke to death but if the truck was a few inches higher....


New Member
I see it all the time here too. The dogs look pretty happy. I would not ever do it though for fear that my dog would fall out. She rides in the cab with me.


New Member
They do it here as well. I think what bothers me the most, are the dogs that are chained in the back of the trucks. It is a quick way to hang a dog. I think people just don't think, that is of course until something horrible happens.