Don't you hate it when...


New Member
Don't you hate it when you look all over for a tool, in my case the adapter for my socket wrench so I could change the spark plugs, and you can not find it anywhere. So you go to the store and buy another. Then the next day you, by chance, find the original one?


Staff member
More times then I can count. But I'm cheap, so I do not normally buy a new one. I try and make another tool work. Been missing my good tape measure for over a month. Finally found it today. Was using a really cheap one that everyone complained about.


New Member
I have a serious issue with things not being put back in their place once used. I will "raise hell" in this house if something is MIA and I need it. It has happened too many times in the past and I put my foot down.


New Member
Now you know why most of us end up with like four tape measures. I have done this a few times when I was younger but never realized it until I had to start buying the stuff over and over again. :)