Eagle Cam


New Member
Anyone seen this yet? I came across it the other week and I check it every few days to see if there is anything new going on. I am not really fond of birds but Eagles don't count.


New Member
That is so cool! I never even knew it existed. I watched baby kittens growing up once on webcam, but this is so much cooler. Thanks for pointing it out to us, vroom.


New Member
Let me just say that when I am in the home den and its playing on the PC the cats go crazy for it. A few times they heard random bird noises and came charging into the room. Glad you enjoyed it.


New Member
This is pretty neat. I'm a big fan of watching wildlife and I actually just came back from a couple of trips in the Everglades on a safari where I got to see all of these kinds of things. I saw a tiny baby alligator sleeping on the back of a huge one. It was the first time I had ever seen that. Thanks for the link.